Category:Category: Dental Implants

What do dental implants do for patients?

Perhaps one of the most common patient concerns we hear about when people are considering dental implants in Loughton is how long the process will take. At Broadway Dental, we are committed to giving you the results you want in the shortest time possible. However, when a treatment offers the benefits that dental implants do, it is normally because your dentist is working with your body’s natural process in some way and these take time. While we cannot shorten the process beyond a certain point, we can use our skills and experience to help make the journey better for you.

dental-implants-in-LoughtonOne of our tips is to gather as much information as you can about the positive benefits of your treatment. If you focus on these, you will experience more motivation. You can write them down and stick them on the fridge, remind yourself with pop-up notes on your computer or keep notes on your phone that you can refer to if you are having any difficulties. If there is any way that we can help with this, please let us know.

Giving you back your teeth

When you have dental implants in Loughton, you are working your way back to having teeth again. These might take the form of a bridge, dentures or a crown or two. Once your surgery is complete, you will be able to bite into crunchy food again and tear just like you can with normal teeth. Unlike other tooth replacement methods, you do not need to apply any special techniques in order to enjoy a full diet.

Helping you stay healthy

There are a few ways that your dental implants improve on your natural teeth. One of these is that your synthetic teeth are not susceptible to decay or cavities. This does not mean that you can be complacent. In fact, it is even more vital than before to maintain good hygiene and visit your dentist straight away with any issues. You won’t just be looking after your teeth and gums anymore, you’ll be looking out for your implants too. However, anything that helps your mouth to stay healthy is a plus and having dental implants in Loughton will benefit you in this way.

All you need to know about dental implants in Loughton

Dental implants are probably the most exciting breakthrough in dentistry in decades because they offer the same strength, stability, resilience and appearance of natural teeth. These long-lasting structures, which integrate into the jawbone,are now a preferred choice for dentists and patients for tooth replacement.

dental-implants-in-LoughtonAt Broadway Dental in Loughton, dental implants are a highly recommended treatment for missing or broken teeth.Whether you are missing a single tooth or more, our experienced dentists will help you make an informed decision and give you a clear idea of what you can expect.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are small titanium posts which are placed into the jawbone through oral surgery, so that crowns, bridges and dentures can be fixed onto them. Once they have been implanted, they fuse with the living bone providing a steady foundation for artificial teeth.

Benefits of dental implants

Dental implants provide several advantages over other tooth replacement options. Because they fuse with the jawbone and replace the root of your tooth, bone loss is prevented. At the same time, dental implants protect the health and integrity of your natural teeth. When a tooth is missing, so too is the bone stimulation required to help the jawbone intact. Over time bone deteriorates, thus decreasing the stability of the remaining teeth. Dental implants keep the bone and blood vessels stimulated because they are implanted into the jawbone.

Dental implants offer a great alternative to traditional bridges and dentures. Loose dentures can be uncomfortable to wear,creating problems with eating and speaking. If several teeth are missing, dental implants may provide a better solution to a conventional bridge. Implant-retained bridges do not rely on healthy teeth for support, and thus are more stable in the long term.

Can anybody have dental implants?

In general, dental implants are suitable for every patient who wishes to replace one or more missing teeth. However, bone loss and some health conditions (i.e. diabetes) as well as smoking may prevent successful implant placement and compromise healing.

Your dentist will assess your dental and general health and provide recommendations, since it may still be possible to get dental implants with additional treatment.

To learn more about dental implants in Loughton and how they can benefit your smile, contact Broadway Dental today.

Common barriers to dental implants and how we can help

Dental implants are an extensive, long-term treatment even if you are only having a single tooth replaced. Whilst this can seem off-putting at first, you may wish to consider the dramatic impact they can have on your life.

At Broadway Dental, Loughton, dental implants are something we highly recommend to patients that are suitable candidates. This is because they are high-functioning, low-maintenance and they look great. If you do have concerns, this is perfectly normal. We look forward to talking to you about them and offering reassurance where possible.

Here we look at some of the common barriers to patients seeking this treatment and explain how we address them.

dental-implants-in-LoughtonUnsure about suitability

When you have dental implants in Loughton with us, the first thing we will do is assess your suitability. You need to be in a good general state of health. Some medical conditions or intake of certain medications in the past may affect your suitability. You also need the required density in your jawbone to support the dental implants. The only way to know if you have this is to ask your dentist to check.

Dentistry moves on all the time and there are frequently new, more advanced solutions available to patients. This means that, even if you have been turned down for dental implants in the past, it is still worth checking with your dentist if you are keen to have them. They might be able to offer you a new solution.

Worry about the procedure

Whatever your concerns are, talk to one of our dentists when you are considering dental implants in Loughton. They will give you full details about how the procedure is likely to go for you. This can involve seeing diagrams, equipment and photos of patients who have already had the procedure. At Broadway Dental, we want to do everything we can to reassure you. Once you start to fully understand the procedure, it may be that your worries simply go away.

If you have particular difficulty with dental procedures then there may be sedation options that your dentist can discuss with you to help with this. These are alongside normal anaesthetics that are used as standard for dental implant procedures.

Smiles all round in Loughton

The state of your teeth has implications for a whole lot more than just your dental health. Teeth imperfections can cause a loss of confidence and make you self-conscious about your smile. Your dental health is also linked to your overall well being. Gum disease in particular increases your chances of diabetes and heart disease. Dental conditions such a tooth loss can also have long-lasting ramifications on both your facial appearance and dental health.

dental-implants-in-LoughtonAt Broadway Dental in Loughton, cosmetic dentistry is on offer to address the aesthetics of your smile and bring back your confidence. Tackling missing teeth, we also offer dental implants in Loughton to provide you with a modern, reliable alternative to dentures.

Dental implants: what are they and how do they work

Dental implants are small titanium screws that fit into your jawbone, just as your natural teeth do. Here they stimulate the growth of new bone, leaving you with a firmly secured implant that can support replacement teeth.

With dental implants in Loughton you needn’t worry about your replacement teeth shifting out of place when you eat, as many denture wearers do. Dental implants also prevent bone degeneration and gum recession, both of which are common consequences of tooth loss.

If you are facing the prospect of lifelong denture use in Loughton, dental implants by Broadway Dental can save you a lifetime of hassle and worry.

What you can get out of cosmetic dentistry

At our practice, we offer a comprehensive range of cosmetic dental treatments to revitalise the appearance of your teeth:

  • Teeth whitening can return the natural shine to your teeth and remove stains.
  • Inlays and onlays can restore structure to damaged teeth using tooth-coloured materials for a more natural appearance.
  • Our porcelain veneers can give your teeth a new shape, size and colour, providing a solution to discoloured, chipped, or even slightly misaligned teeth.
  • For more significant misalignments, crooked, crowded or gappy teeth, we also offer invisible braces – a subtle but effective teeth straightening solution.

To find out how cosmetic dentistry in Loughton can improve your look, call or email us today. One of our highly trained and friendly dentists is waiting to see you.

With dental implants in Loughton, you get a second chance at a healthy and happy smile

Dental implants in Loughton are revolutionising the lives of people with one or more missing teeth. Once upon a time, not so very long ago, tooth loss was a life-changing event; but now, thanks to Loughton clinic Broadway Dental’s range of implant treatments, it is possible to have a second chance at a smile that is both happy and healthy.

dental-implants-in-loughtonHow dental implants work

Whilst a standard bridge or denture replaces the crowns of any natural teeth you have lost, they do not replace the roots. In fact, both parts of the tooth are equally important, with the roots both anchoring the crowns in place and stimulating the jaw bone when you bite or chew, helping to ensure that it remains dense and healthy.

At our Loughton dental practice, our skilled implant dentist can use dental implants combined with either a single crown, a bridge, or dentures, to give you back all the functionality and appearance of a natural tooth or teeth.

Most people at our Loughton dental clinic only need local anaesthetic for dental implants to be placed. For those who have already experienced a significant degree of bone loss, thanks to the skill of the implant team at our clinic in Loughton, dental implants can still be placed, with the help of an additional procedure – a sinus lift or bone graft – to rebuild the jaw bone.

It takes a few months for dental implants to heal and integrate with the bone, in a process called osseointegration. During this time your Loughton dentist may fit you with temporary teeth, so there is no need to worry about being left with big gaps in your mouth for months on end.

Indeed, if you currently wear traditional dentures, it is usually possible for you to keep wearing them during the healing period, after your dentist has adjusted the accordingly.

Once osseointegration is complete, you will be called back to our Loughton clinic, where your dentist will fit your permanent teeth – crown, bridge, or denture – to your dental implants.

As long as you are committed to taking care of them, and practising excellent oral hygiene, your new teeth could last a lifetime.

Dr. Brånemark – the father of the modern dental implant

Few people looking for dental implants in Loughton will appreciate who they have to thank for the development of this versatile and life-changing dental treatment. At Broadway Dental Clinic we have been fitting dental implants in Loughton patients for many years. So who was Dr. Brånemark and how did he make his mark in the world of dentistry?

Dental-Implants-loughtonDr. Per-Ingvar Brånemark M.D., Ph.D., was a Swedish orthopaedic surgeon and researcher. During the 1950s, Dr. Brånemark and his team were studying how bones heal and the effect of blood flow on this healing process. They inserted optical devices encased in titanium into rabbit legs as part of this research. When they were ready to remove the devices they discovered that it was impossible because the titanium had actually fused with the bone. This breakthrough was known as “ossointegration”.

It wasn’t long before he and his team announced that titanium could be used to fix artificial teeth into the jaw. The New York Times reported in the mid-1960s that Dr. Brånemark performed his first dental implant procedure on a man with multiple issues including jaw deformities, no teeth in his lower jaw and a cleft palate. The four implants this patient received enabled him to used dentures for the rest of his life – over four decades.

In spite of his success the process was not adopted by the dental and medical establishment, as they were unconvinced that integration of titanium into living tissue was safe. Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare didn’t approve the implants until the 1970s.

The versatility of his discovery means that nowadays the techniques are used not only for medical application but also the veterinary field.

During his career he received many accolades. Sadly, he died aged 85 in December 2014 in his hometown of Gothenburg in Sweden.

While some people may not approve of scientists experimenting with animals in the way that Dr. Brånemark and his team did, the majority are grateful for the advancements in dentistry that have been possible as a result. The ability to have ‘normal’ teeth and eat, speak and smile with confidence is a direct result of dentists having the equipment and skills to fit dental implants in Loughton patients and patients throughout the world.

Care and repair for your teeth

We all suffer from problems with our teeth every now and then, no matter how much we try to care for our teeth. Some conditions can be a result of our lifestyle habits, such as smoking, what we eat and drink – but at other times conditions can be hereditary or be the result of an injury.

In the case of missing teeth or badly fitting dentures, Broadway Dental is an exemplary source of dental implants in Loughton. We are able to bridge the gap of a missing tooth or teeth with realistic feeling, natural looking replacement teeth, attached via a sturdy structure in a mix of clever technology and natural biology.
dental-implants-LoughtonHow do dental implants in Loughton work?

The whole process takes around 4 to 12 months. First, you’ll come into our clean, comfortable and modern dental practice and meet our friendly reception staff, who will guide you through our initial forms.

Next, you’ll be introduced to your dental practitioner, who will conduct a thorough assessment of your needs, taking into account your medical and social history. We are able to use digital imaging to show you how the final result will look before you even begin treatment.

The treatment itself involves our professionals carefully inserting tiny metal screws into your jawbone, which then fuse naturally with your natural bone. Replacement teeth are then fitted securely over these screws, providing a very comfortable, strong and lost-lasting tooth or teeth.

You can trust us

We all know a visit to the dentist can make us feel nervous or unsure. We promise that when getting dental implants in Loughton at Broadway Dental, we will treat you with the utmost respect and courtesy to achieve the best possible results for you, and will listen to you talk. We will always be sympathetic and understanding of any needs or concerns you may have. We always make sure we observe the highest possible clinical standards – our GDC registered dentists are extensively trained, both nationally and internationally and are constantly challenged.

So if you are interested in dental implants in Loughton, why not contact Broadway Dental today?

Do I need a cosmetic dentist?

If you are looking for dental implants in Loughton then you have come to the right place. Broadway Dental offers dental implants to patients looking to improve the overall health and look of their teeth.

We understand the embarrassment that living with rotten or missing teeth can bring to people, and the stress it can cause our patients, which is why we offer dental implants to people looking to fix the problem once and for all.At our practice in Loughton, dental implants are suitable for most people who

cosmetic-dentist-Loughtonsuffer from missing or damaged teeth and want to restore their appearance or the ability to eat and drink without issue. Saying that, it is really important that the patient’s bone tissue is fully developed, as this is what the dental implants are attached to and held in place by. Dental implants are not therefore used in people under 18 years of age.

Your mouth will need to be in a relatively healthy condition in order to be considered for dental implants in Loughton. The dentist will not carry out the dental implants if you have signs of untreated tooth decay or active gum disease. When implants are fitted into an unhealthy gum there is a grave danger that an infection will develop around the implant, leading to its failure.

1. Suitability

First off you will need to have an examination with the dentist to ensure you are a suitable candidate for dental implants. This will include a routine examination of your mouth and possibly some x-rays if required, in order to get a better picture of your jaw.

2. Preparation

Your mouth will be prepared for the dental implants by making a small insertion into your jaw bone where the implant will later be screwed into place.

3. Implantation

The dental implants are then screwed into place and allowed to heal. The dentist will aim to get the colour of the implants as close to your natural colour as possible so that they blend in well.
For more information on dental implants in Loughton and how they can transform your smile please call Broadway Dental.

Mind the gap – dental implants to the rescue

There are an infinite number of ways in which you can lose a tooth. We’re talking adult teeth not milk teeth. It’s not just poor oral hygiene to blame! Thanks to advances in modern dentistry, at our dental clinic in Loughton, dental implants are filling the gap left by a whole host of accidents, incidents and mistakes.

dental-implants-LoughtonTraditionally, a gap left by an unhealthy or damaged tooth would be resolved by fitting dentures, flexible dentures or a bridge, all of which can be done in our practice in Loughton. Dental implants are small metal screws that are fixed into the jawbone. Once in position, bridges, crowns and dentures can then be fitted to them creating a stronger and durable solution.

Can anyone have dental implants?

Dental implants can be amazing but may not be the right solution for you.  The key thing is that you are in good health. Health issues such as cancer, diabetes or gum disease can affect the success of the dental implants. Loughton patients must not have had previous treatment with bisphosphonate medication. Of course a commitment to good oral hygiene is key as is a willingness to attend the dental implant appointments that may take from four to twelve months.

To find out if they are right for you, get in touch with our team at Broadway Dental Clinic in Loughton. Dental implant patients are invited to come to the clinic for an initial consultation.

What happens if I want implants?

If you are eligible for dental implants, a treatment plan will be developed by our dental implant team in Loughton. You will then be fully briefed on each step of your treatment. We like to ensure that all our patients are fully informed and confident before they start their dental implant treatment.Throughout the process we keep you updated and provide clear advice on how to look after your implants once you have completed the treatment.

For many patients it is the aesthetic impact on their smile that motivates them to have to have treatment for a gap. But what if a gap is not visible when you smile? Well, even then it can cause problems. A missing tooth weakens the way you chew and can lead to the crowding or loss of other teeth. Our advice? Mind the gap!

The benefits of dental implants for replacing missing teeth

When you choose dental implants to replace your missing teeth, you choose so much more than an aesthetically appealing smile. At Broadway Dental in Loughton we believe that in most situations dental implants are the ideal solution to tooth loss. They are the only permanent way a dentist can replace those teeth, restoring both natural appearance and function.

dental-implants-LoughtonHere at our Loughton dental practice, we can use dental implants to replace as many teeth as necessary. They can be used in conjunction with a single crown, a denture, or a dental bridge to create a long-term tooth replacement, which keeps your jaw bone strong and healthy as well as keeping your teeth firmly in your mouth.

The jaw bone starts to resorb when the tooth roots are missing, which is the main cause of loose dentures. Because dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are made from titanium – which is osteoconductive, meaning that new bone material and blood vessels with grow readily around the implants – they are the best way to prevent the problems loose dentures can bring with eating, speaking, and with self-esteem.

Even if you have already experienced some bone loss – perhaps you are struggling with badly-fitting dentures as you read this – the implant team at Broadway Dental in Loughton can help. It is often possible to rebuild the level of jaw bone density prior to placing your dental implants, with either a sinus lift or a bone graft.

If you do require an additional bone grafting procedure, your Loughton dentist will discuss your options during your implant consultation. At this dental implants consultation, your dentist will use CT scans to assess the current level of bone density. They will determine how many dental implants you will need – which will depend on how many teeth we need to replace – and will talk you through all the stages of your treatment.

The majority of patients at our Loughton dental practice only need local anaesthetic for the placement of dental implants. Once the implants are in position they will start to integrate with the bone, and after this integration is complete your permanent new teeth will be attached.